The Truth Has Little To Do With The Amish Mafia


If you are seeking the truth and want to see Amish reality, put down the remote control and open your Bible. Most any Amishmen will tell you that Jesus is the way the TRUTH and the life. As with all denominations, there are various ways of living out one’s faith. I do believe it is safe to say that all Amish and Mennonite folks will agree with the article printed in today’s local paper.

This was tactfully put and factual. Peace in Amish country comes from living in intimate personal harmony with God. There is Someone who protects and looks out for the Amish, the same One that keeps every other surrendered Christian heart at peace. Farming with horses is great, especially when raising children, that’s the lifestyle. An Amish draft or buggy horse is no holier than a Toyota.

It was only a couple years ago that I was behind that bonnet, and wearing a shawl. I have lived in both Holmes and Lancaster County and I can verify what all the other ‘local sources’ have said in this article.