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“I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from Your commands. I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.” (Psalm 119:10, 11)

It feels like a full-time job keeping up with all the paperwork involved with chronic illness. It would be a dream come true to have case workers to walk us through the insurance obstacles and disability rig-a-marole. Our mind is already addled some just coping with pain, then we have to have the business savvy of Wall Street to get proper treatment? It doesn’t seem fair.

We have to keep notebooks and calendars and place countless phone calls. So much effort put forth when we have such limited energies. It can leave us with a very sour taste for the medical system. How can we get through this maze and still resemble Christ?

Consider my friend Susan, a lady with severe pain and limitations. Financially destitute, she has gone off of her pain medication because she can not afford it. Her chief coping mechanism is printing out and decorating scripture verses to send out to others. While she is encouraging others, she is also filling her days and her mind with the Word. She has become something of a human concordance over the years.

Immersing ourselves in scriptures cannot replace medication, and I still can’t figure our how Susan gets by. I do know, however, that she has used her energies for a more godly pursuit. Surely, it helps offset the frustrations of her situation. And the eternal impact of her ‘pass time’ surely makes it easier to cope with the earthly hassles she faces. It’s no cure, but the retirement plan is out of this world!

She is such a wise investor! The amount of stress, paperwork, and follow up involved in chronic illness takes executive effort, even with insurance or disability.

It is a marvel to me that our spiritual welfare is quite the opposite. Today’s verse empowers us. Dwelling in His Word, we need not worry or fret. He keeps us better than any insurance coverage ever could.

The Bible is full of promises for those who keep His Word and seek Him with a whole heart.