God Morning

This is a devotional written for Rest Ministries a couple of years ago. The used to have a web site and magazine for people living with chronic pain and illness. They have changed over to a Facebook group now. I really enjoyed writing for them.

Can a simple typo change your average message into something eternal? It sure can!

“My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.” (Psalm 119:50)

It was a typo; I was texting my son and missed a key. As I looked at the greeting, it took on extra meaning.

I woke up that morning with level 8 pain, unusual for me these days. My general pain level was under control, 3 or 4 unless I overdid it. This was what I called a freight train morning, slammed head-on right off the bat with pain. Now my typo makes me reconsider the phrase–” it is still a God morning.”

He is still here, He is still on the throne, and He has proved to me many a time that He is ready, able, and willing to walk me through a high pain day.

My perspective changed instantly. Now I feel as if the day will be somehow consecrated and holy. It feels like a day of privilege in the school of my Master. In spite of my pain, I intend to study my Savior’s face, review and drill in His word.

It may not be a day of high productivity, but it has now definitely become. . . a God morning! A God day!

Prayer: Lord, You have set me to task. I ask for Your grace to diligently seek You today. Help me to avoid labeling this as a bad or lost day. Rather, help me to flourish and bloom in knowledge of You. Draw me ever nearer Thee, Dear Savior. Amen.