Our congregation was given a large, old, beautiful church building in the city of Reading. The only request the previous group had was that we continue the monthly meal program that they had established. They had gained a reputation for caring for the local community people in need. We were glad for the opportunity to serve.
The other day was the first cold day of the year and a chilly wind had a bite to it. I needed to drop off some things at our inner city church.
A man was leaning over a four foot parking post behind our church. He was trying to sleep and would teeter and sway, then catch himself. He may have been high, or drunk, or just off kilter, but he had come to our church for a rest stop. Eventually he must have fallen into a deep sleep because he fell to the ground finally, waking up and walking away.
In the doorway was another man trying to find shelter from the cold wind, he was curled up on the step. He looked properly clothed, but he was seeking shelter. Seeing both of these people at midday seeking a rest at our church really struck me with gratitude.
For a nice change of pace, I saw them through Jesus’s eyes instead of my own. I felt so honored and privileged that they came to our church for a rest. They were beautiful, and honest about their need.
In that moment they represented all of us in a way; stumbling around looking for relief. My heart thrilled to see that they came to a church for a break in their crazy, stressful, confusing, unsafe world. They came to our church!
We see folks in all sorts of situations, some with psychiatric challenges, addictions, medical struggles, broke, some needy, others greedy. Just like the rest of us. What a comfort to know that when in distress these people think of showing up at our church. It may not be a Billy Graham alter call, but it’s encouraging that they even think of us as able to help.
One reason this event was so refreshing to me was because it is easy to cop a bad attitude when working with the unchurched that come with all sorts of baggage. I know in my head they are precious souls but the rough spots often obscure the fact that they bear God’s image under all those earthly cares. But these two guys melted my heart. I go into that building all needy and weary too. My needs are more spiritual than physical, only because I am currently blessed with health, work, food, and shelter. Maybe these folks will also think of seeking a church when they consider their spiritual needs…maybe…someday.